Q-shell is quick shell for remote login into Unix system, it use blowfish crypt algorithm to protect transport data from client to server, you can get two program: ‘qsh’ for client, and ‘qshd’ for server, those program can rename by any name with you prefer.
To Compile Q-shell:
Just enter ‘make’ and it will automation to compile, but, you must input the server key.
1. For Server, Just run qshd on server:
$ ./qshd
But, you would like to run after change it to other name, such as:
$ mv qshd smbd $ export PATH=.:$PATH $ smbd
2. For client, Set some environment variable, then run qsh:
$ export _IP= $ export _PORT=2800 $ unset _P $ ./qsh shell
Now you already login into server $_IP .
More function:
q-shell include more function to manage system:
1. put/get files:
$ ./qsh get /path/to/server/file . $ ./qsh put /path/to/local/file /path/to/server/file
2. Run a command on server:
$ ./qsh exec 'ls -l /bin'
3. Update server program, This function will update remote qshd, and run again:
$ ./qsh update /path/to/local/qshd
4. Automation to run command on many server, Note: qsh use $_P to fetch server key, so you should erase all history data after to use $_P:
$ for i in {10..20} ; do \ export _IP=192.168.0.$i export _PORT=2800 export _P=key # set key ./qsh exec 'ls -l /bin' done
5. Update password, start with version 3.2, you can update the password as below:
$ ./qsh passwd
6. Download q-shell at Github Repo: https://github.com/qianshanhai/q-shell