Saturday, 18 January 2025
Pentesting Tools

OWASP ZeroDay Cyber Research Shellcoder

OWASP ZCR Shellcoder is an open source software in python language which lets you generate customized shellcodes for listed operation systems. This software can be run on Windows/Linux&Unix/OSX and others OS under python 2.7.x.
OWASP ZeroDay Cyber Research Shellcoder Usage:
python -h

-h, --h, -help, --help => to see this help guide
-os => choose your os to create shellcode
-oslist => list os for switch -os
-o => output filename
-job => what shellcode gonna do for you ?
-joblist => list of -job switch
-encode => generate shellcode with encode
-types => types of encode for -encode switch
-update => check for update

python -oslist

[+] linux_x86
[+] linux_x64
[+] linux_arm
[+] linux_mips
[+] freebsd_x86
[+] freebsd_x64
[+] windows_x86
[+] windows_x64
[+] osx
[+] solaris_x86
[+] solaris_x64

python -joblist

[+] exec('/path/file')
[+] chmod('/path/file','permission number')
[+] write('/path/file','text to write')
[+] file_create('/path/file','text to write')
[+] dir_create('/path/folder')
[+] download('url','filename')
[+] download_execute('url','filename','command to execute')
[+] system('command to execute')
[+] script_executor('name of script','path and name of your script in your pc','execute command')

python -types

[+] none
[+] xor_random
[+] xor_yourvalue
[+] add_random
[+] add_yourvalue
[+] sub_random
[+] sub_yourvalue
[+] inc
[+] inc_timesyouwant
[+] dec
[+] dec_timesyouwant
[+] mix_all

Source && Download

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