OWASP ZCR Shellcoder is an open source software in python language which lets you generate customized shellcodes for listed operation systems. This software can be run on Windows/Linux&Unix/OSX and others OS under python 2.7.x.
OWASP ZeroDay Cyber Research Shellcoder Usage:
python shellcoder.py -h
-h, --h, -help, --help => to see this help guide -os => choose your os to create shellcode -oslist => list os for switch -os -o => output filename -job => what shellcode gonna do for you ? -joblist => list of -job switch -encode => generate shellcode with encode -types => types of encode for -encode switch -update => check for update
python shellcoder.py -oslist
[+] linux_x86 [+] linux_x64 [+] linux_arm [+] linux_mips [+] freebsd_x86 [+] freebsd_x64 [+] windows_x86 [+] windows_x64 [+] osx [+] solaris_x86 [+] solaris_x64
python shellcoder.py -joblist
[+] exec('/path/file') [+] chmod('/path/file','permission number') [+] write('/path/file','text to write') [+] file_create('/path/file','text to write') [+] dir_create('/path/folder') [+] download('url','filename') [+] download_execute('url','filename','command to execute') [+] system('command to execute') [+] script_executor('name of script','path and name of your script in your pc','execute command')
python shellcoder.py -types
[+] none [+] xor_random [+] xor_yourvalue [+] add_random [+] add_yourvalue [+] sub_random [+] sub_yourvalue [+] inc [+] inc_timesyouwant [+] dec [+] dec_timesyouwant [+] mix_all