Intrigue-core is an API-first intelligence gathering framework for Internet reconnaissance and research.
Setting up a development environment:
The following are presumed available and configured in your environment
- redis
- sudo
- nmap
- zmap
- masscan
- java runtime
Sudo is used to allow root access for certain commands ^ , so make sure this doesn’t require a password:
your-username ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/masscan, /usr/sbin/zmap, /usr/bin/nmap
Starting up…Make sure you have redis installed and running. (Use Homebrew if you’re on OSX).
Install all gem dependencies with Bundler (
bundle install
Start the web and background workers. Intrigue will start on
foreman start
Using the web interface
To use the web interface, browse to
Getting started should be pretty straightforward, try running a “dns_brute_sub” task on your domain. Now, try with the “use_file” option set to true.
Now, browse to the web interface.
API usage via core-cli:
A command line utility has been added for convenience, core-cli.
List all available tasks:
$ bundle exec ./core-cli.rb list
Start a task:
$ bundle exec ./core-cli.rb start dns_lookup_forward
Start a task with options:
$ bundle exec ./core-cli.rb start dns_brute_sub resolver=,2,3,4,www#use_permutations=true
[+] Starting task
[+] Task complete!
[+] Start Results
[ ] End Results
[+] Task Log:
[ ] : Got allowed option: resolver
[ ] : Allowed option: {:name=>"resolver", :type=>"String", :regex=>"ip_address", :default=>""}
[ ] : Regex should match an IP Address
[ ] : No need to convert resolver to a string
[+] : Allowed user_option! {"name"=>"resolver", "value"=>""}
[ ] : Got allowed option: brute_list
[ ] : Allowed option: {:name=>"brute_list", :type=>"String", :regex=>"alpha_numeric_list", :default=>["mx", "mx1", "mx2", "www", "ww2", "ns1", "ns2", "ns3", "test", "mail", "owa", "vpn", "admin", "intranet", "gateway", "secure", "admin", "service", "tools", "doc", "docs", "network", "help", "en", "sharepoint", "portal", "public", "private", "pub", "zeus", "mickey", "time", "web", "it", "my", "photos", "safe", "download", "dl", "search", "staging"]}
[ ] : Regex should match an alpha-numeric list
[ ] : No need to convert brute_list to a string
[+] : Allowed user_option! {"name"=>"brute_list", "value"=>"1,2,3,4,www"}
[ ] : Got allowed option: use_permutations
[ ] : Allowed option: {:name=>"use_permutations", :type=>"Boolean", :regex=>"boolean", :default=>true}
[ ] : Regex should match a boolean
[+] : Allowed user_option! {"name"=>"use_permutations", "value"=>true}
[ ] : user_options: [{"resolver"=>""}, {"brute_list"=>"1,2,3,4,www"}, {"use_permutations"=>true}]
[ ] : Task: dns_brute_sub
[ ] : Id: fddc7313-52f6-4d5a-9aad-fd39b0428ca5
[ ] : Task entity: {"type"=>"DnsRecord", "attributes"=>{"name"=>""}}
[ ] : Task options: [{"resolver"=>""}, {"brute_list"=>"1,2,3,4,www"}, {"use_permutations"=>true}]
[ ] : Option configured: resolver=
[ ] : Option configured: use_file=false
[ ] : Option configured: brute_file=dns_sub.list
[ ] : Option configured: use_mashed_domains=false
[ ] : Option configured: brute_list=1,2,3,4,www
[ ] : Option configured: use_permutations=true
[ ] : Using provided brute list
[+] : Using subdomain list: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "www"]
[+] : Looks like no wildcard dns. Moving on.
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[+] : Resolved Address for
[+] : Creating entity: DnsRecord, {:name=>""}
[+] : Creating entity: IpAddress, {:name=>""}
[ ] : Adding permutations: www1, www2
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[-] : Hit exception: no address for
[+] : Ship it!
[ ] : Sending to Webhook: http://localhost:7777/v1/task_runs/fddc7313-52f6-4d5a-9aad-fd39b0428ca5
Check for a list of subdomains on
$ bundle exec ./core-cli.rb start dns_brute_sub resolver=,b,c,proxy,test,www
Check the Alexa top 1000 domains for the existence of security headers:
$ for x in `cat data/domains.txt | head -n 1000`; do bundle exec ./core-cli.rb start dns_brute_sub DnsRecord#$x;done
API usage via rubygem
$ gem install intrigue $ irb > require 'intrigue' > x = # Create an entity hash, must have a :type key # and (in the case of most tasks) a :attributes key # with a hash containing a :name key (as shown below) > entity = { :type => "String", :attributes => { :name => ""} } # Create a list of options (this can be empty) > options_list = [ { :name => "resolver", :value => "" } ] > x.start "example", entity_hash, options_list > id = x.start "example", entity_hash, options_list > puts x.get_log id > puts x.get_result id
API usage via curl:
You can use the tried and true curl utility to request a task run. Specify the task type, specify an entity, and the appropriate options:
$ curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "task": "example", "entity": { "type": "String", "attributes": { "name": "" } }, "options": {} }'
Download Intrigue-core at GitHub