
Install Facebook Chat plugin for Pidgin in Ubuntu

This is a Facebook chat plugin for Pidgin and libpurple messengers. It connects to the new Facebook Chat IM service without the need for an API key. Currently the plugin can log into the Facebook servers, grab the buddy list, send/receive messages, add/remove friends, receive notifications, show your inbox count, organises friend lists/groups, search for Facebook friends and set your Facebook status


Install Facebook Chat plugin
Option 1: Open up terminal(Applications->Accessories->Terminal),type following to download deb package:
wget http://pidgin-facebookchat.googlecode.com/files/pidgin-facebookchat-1.61.deb
and use this command to install the package:
sudo dpkg -i pidgin-facebookchat-1.61.deb
Option 2: Download the latest version from this page.Click to install,or use the install command in option 1 if you downloaded the deb package.
Note: version1.61, pidgin-facebookchat requires json-glib 0.7.6,download from this page
Restart pidgin,and you will have a FacebookChat option in your accounts manager dialog.

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