Hello guys elementaryOS is proud to announce the stable release of elementary OS Freya and after a year of development, bug and fixes the new version of freya is now available for download.
Freya is the latest version of elementaryOS with a new design-oriented and open source Linux-based operating system for desktop.
The new version of ElementaryOS ( Freya) comes with new features and improvements.
- A more discoverable, redesigned, and app-focused multitasking view
- New interactive and dismissible notifications, plus a notifications settings pane including a system-wide “Do Not Disturb” mode
- A refined look and feel that includes a refreshed system-wide stylesheet, refreshed icons, space-saving Header Bars, a dark stylesheet for apps, rounded corners on menus and dialogs, improved animations, many new and refined “symbolic” icons, intelligent transparency for the panel, and more.
- Better emoji support & drop-in replacements for Microsoft Core fonts for the web
- A new firewall tool and “privacy mode”
- Much improved Applications menu including support for “quicklist” actions, drag-and-drop from search, and support for quick math calculations
- An updated software stack including Linux 3.16, Gtk 3.14, and Vala 0.26
- UEFI support
- A new captive portal assistant to make connecting to public WiFi easier
- Redesigned Displays, User Accounts, Applications, and Date & Time settings
- Unified login and lock screens.
- Freya’s apps have new features and fixes including (but not limited to):
- Search in Files and Terminal
- Natural Copy & Paste, Smart tab labels, and a warning when pasting commands containing “sudo” in Terminal.
- A redesigned Photos
- New Calculator, Camera, and Videos apps
- Online calendar support (Google and CalDAV)
- Improved Samba support
Downalod ElementaryOS Here
Note: elementary OS Luna users should back up their data and perform a clean install.