Sunday, 16 February 2025
Pentesting Tools Wireless Attacks

Aircrack-ng 1.2 Release Candidate 2

Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.
Here is the second release candidate. Along with a LOT of fixes, it improves the support for the Airodump-ng scan visualizer. Airmon-zc is mature and is now renamed to Airmon-ng. Also, Airtun-ng is now able to encrypt and decrypt WPA on top of WEP. Another big change is recent version of GPSd now work very well with Airodump-ng.
Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks.

Aircrack-ng Changelog

Version 1.2-rc2 (changes from aircrack-ng 1.2-rc1) – Released 10 April 2015:

  • Airtun-ng: Adds WPA CCMP and TKIP decryption and CCMP encryption
  • Compilation: Added support for DUMA.
  • Makefile: Renamed ‘unstable’ to ‘experimental’.
  • Airodump-ng: Fixed XML sanitizing.
  • Airmon-ng: Airmon-zc is now stable enough to replace airmon-ng.
  • Manpages: Removed airdriver-ng manpage and references to it (forgot to do it before the previous release).
  • Manpages: Updated ‘see also’ references in all manpages.
  • PCRE: Added it in various places and docs.
  • WZCook: Fixed processing values stored in register.
  • Updated a few headers files (if_llc, ieee80211, ethernet and if_arp).
  • Travis CI: updated make parameter and add testing with pcre.
  • Compilation: de-hardcode -lpcap to allow specifying pcap libraries.
  • Makefile: Fixed installing/uninstalling Airdrop-ng documentation files.
  • Makefile: Fixed uninstalling ext_scripts.
  • Airodump-ng: Added new paths (and removed one) for OUI files and simplified logic to find the OUI file.
  • Aircrack-ng: Fixed ignoring -p when specified after -S.
  • Airmon-ng: fixes for openwrt busybox ps/grep issues which do not seem present in other versions of busybox
  • Airmon-ng: fix vm detection.
  • Airserv-ng: Fixed channel setting (and assert call).
  • Airodump-ng: Fixes to NetXML (unassociated clients missing and various other small bugs) and update the code to match current NetXML output.
  • Airodump-ng: Removed requirement for 2 packets before AP is written to output (text) files.
  • Airodump-ng: Fixed formatting of ESSID and display of WPA/WPA2 (as well as a bunch of other small fixes) in CSV file.
  • Airodump-ng: Fixed GPSd.
  • Airodump-ng: Allow to specify write interval for CSV, kismet CSV and NetXML files.
  • Airserv-ng: Fixed wrong station data displayed in Airodump-ng.
  • General: Fixed 64 bit promotion issues.
  • General: Fixed a bunch of uninitialized values and non-zeroed structures (upon allocating them).
  • General: Added Stack protection.
  • Various other small fixes and improvements.


Download Aircrack-ng 1.2 RC 2

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